Thursday, March 3, 2011

TAKS and the new STARR

I've recently been given the privilege of helping my supervising counselor organize all the materials for the TAKS testing we've had and will have soon.  I like the organizational part of it, but I have concerns about how will I know all the "rules".  My counselor spends a lot of time reading all of the manuals very closely to make sure she gets it all right.  I think the main part of this minor stress is that I envision becoming a counselor in a small rural school where I would be the only counselor, so I worry about getting all the materials out and staff trained leading to a successful administration of the test when I might not have a mentor.  I almost want to be a counselor in a slightly larger district where I might have more tips and pointers from someone who has done this several times already.  Anyhow, I know it will all work out, and that I am perfectly capable of figuring it all out, but it is overwhelming to see all that's involved as I've been allowed to help out. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Parents and Counseling

The counselor at my school told me an interesting story today that I wanted to share with ya'll.  Once a parent wanted her to meet with her child, because his father was dying of terminal cancer.  The little boy lived with the mother and visited the sick father on alternate weekends.  The mother didn't want the little boy to continue to see his father and she told the counselor that the boy was in great distress about seeing his father in that state.  So, the counselor met with the little boy and asked him if he was looking forward to visiting his father that weekend.  The little boy said he was excited and couldn't wait to see his dad.  When the counselor told the mother that she didn't observe any negative feelings on the boy's part, the mother was furious with her.  The counselor was led to believe that the scenario was really about the mother wanting to manipulate the counselor to get what she wanted instead of what the real truth was.  Her lesson to me was to be cautious in believing everything parents say when they want you to meet with their children.  They may just be misguided or they may be trying to manipulate someone or something.  We deal with all types of people.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I am currently wondering how the upcoming budget cuts are going to effect all of our current jobs and future jobs as school counselors.  Cuts must be made if there isn't the money to support what we are currently doing.  We all do this in our households, so it makes sense.  Now that I've taken Dr. Summerlin's Ed Law class, I have an understanding of the current laws in our field, so I feel so smart when I read the articles I read about this budget mess we're in.  However, it also has given me an awareness of how vulunerable our jobs are if the cuts are massive, as some predict.  So, when it's all settled, what about the students? Our schools already struggle to meet their education needs, so I can only imagine how cutting programs, materials, and staff is going to affect the kids.  I think the current student to counselor ratio is 500:1.  I wonder if it will stay that way.  If the ratio is bumped up, then counseling jobs will be fewer and students will have less access to the help they need.  Honestly, I've only heard mention of changing the student to teacher ratios in the classrooms, but in my opinion, if they are considering that damage to those on the front lines then I certainly think the school counseling budgets could be slashed too.  Anyhow, I don't mean to worry anyone else more than necessary, but these are the things that I'm wondering about this week.  I'll be glad when the legislature gets it settled so I know what to expect.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Guidance Lessons

One of my favorite things to do with young students is to read books aloud.  I enjoy creating the voices and adding in my own expressions - just making it entertaining.  It makes me so happy that my past students frequently come up to me to remind me about a book I read to them or tell me about something they themselves are reading.  It's cool!  So, as a counselor, I'm excited that I get to continue this traditional of mine, but instead of focusing on inferences, main idea, summary, sequence, and etc, I get to focus on guidance issues like self-esteem or character in my read aloud choices.  I just feel like kids are always interested in those topics, so it makes it fun to do.  Today, I read "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" to my classes, and boy did we have a blast.  We made connections between the book and the trait of compassion.  If you've never read that book, please go get it.  It's one of those memorable ones.   

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The fun stuff!

I don't know how it is at other elementary schools, but our counselor has ample opportunity to be part of the fun during the school day.  She is the lead person in organizing field trips, UIL, and the knighting ceremonies.  She also puts on the "Cool Cranes" party at the end of each six weeks to reward those with good behavior.  I've had a really good time doing my small part in helping her and attending more events than I normally would.  I can thank this practicum for that!  I enjoy this particular role in the counselor job.  She gets to be huge part of recognizing these kiddos for a job well done.  It's really a breath of fresh air.  I pray that wherever I end up in a counseling job that I too will get to positively reinforce the kids as much as she does.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Going, going, gone

Well, she came and she went.  I'm talking about Dr. McGlamery.  She even brought her dear husband!  We had a great visit, and my questions were answered.  Most of you probably know by now not to stress about her visit, but just in case you are...stop.  It's refreshing!

I think the 160 hours are going to be somewhat simple to obtain.  All those conversations with the diagnostician, counselor, principal, and co-teacher about my many many struggling kiddos count for practicum.  All the ARDs count.  Gosh!  I'll be scheduling parent conferences for all my students and those count.  So cool!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dr. McGlamery is Coming!

Tomorrow I get to visit with Dr. McGlamery!  I'm excited.  Our school has a really cool character education program, and it has worked out for her to come to see some of our students be "knighted" for the trait of respect.  I'm looking forward to her visit.

I've finished my autobiography...but I can't seem to get it uploaded on this blog yet.  First off...don't get overly excited ya'll...I'm not a technology buff.  Maybe it will finally finish processing, or basically giving me difficulty, and then you can see what I did.  It certainly caused some stress in my life, but I enjoyed looking for pictures of myself.  It made me realize how so often all the pictures are about my kids as I had to really search to find me.  I really only used pictures from the past 7 years or so...the hair cuts were interesting.  haha!

I sympathize with all of you who are taking a big load this semester.  I was going to take 12 hours, but after a near constant headache in the month of December, as I stressed about the Spring semester, I dropped back to 9 hours.  I'm taking Ed Law and Professional Orientation.  Pray for me and that Ed Law class!

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Babies!

Spring 2011

I am currently teaching 3rd grade in Crane, Tx.  I am working on my masters in school counseling, as I am ready to move into a slightly different direction than that of a classroom teacher.  I look forward to working with children in a different way.  I've known since my first year of teaching that I did not desire to teach for the duration of my career, but it took me ten years to figure out just exactly which avenue to follow.  I've really enjoyed my counseling courses and my new vision of the school systems through a counselor's eyes.