Friday, February 11, 2011


I am currently wondering how the upcoming budget cuts are going to effect all of our current jobs and future jobs as school counselors.  Cuts must be made if there isn't the money to support what we are currently doing.  We all do this in our households, so it makes sense.  Now that I've taken Dr. Summerlin's Ed Law class, I have an understanding of the current laws in our field, so I feel so smart when I read the articles I read about this budget mess we're in.  However, it also has given me an awareness of how vulunerable our jobs are if the cuts are massive, as some predict.  So, when it's all settled, what about the students? Our schools already struggle to meet their education needs, so I can only imagine how cutting programs, materials, and staff is going to affect the kids.  I think the current student to counselor ratio is 500:1.  I wonder if it will stay that way.  If the ratio is bumped up, then counseling jobs will be fewer and students will have less access to the help they need.  Honestly, I've only heard mention of changing the student to teacher ratios in the classrooms, but in my opinion, if they are considering that damage to those on the front lines then I certainly think the school counseling budgets could be slashed too.  Anyhow, I don't mean to worry anyone else more than necessary, but these are the things that I'm wondering about this week.  I'll be glad when the legislature gets it settled so I know what to expect.


  1. Dana,
    Great post! You are so right about the uncertain future we are all facing currently in our classes and in our future careers as counselors. I wouldn't be surprised to see districts making one counselor be in charge of 2 schools where they will have to split their days...The numbers you stated, 500 to 1 is the exact ratio that our counselors work with. I look forward to hopefully some good news sometime soon....maybe i'm dreaming, but I'm hoping someone will come up with something brilliant and make it all better... :)

  2. Dana, I hear you and have had the same thoughts-we will be finding out within weeks who will be cut from our campus and it is a numb feeling. I know things will work out, but waiting around is tuff. As for now, I am continuing with my education and making plans for next year on how to have 45 students in one room and give the same quality education.

